Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Q & A with Sue Shifrin Cassidy

Q & A with Sue Shifrin-Cassidy

Sue Shifrin-Cassidy, wife of actor/singer David Cassidy, has authored The World's Greatest Email, a collection of funny, though provoking and inspiring Internet correspondences. In this most recent interview, she discusses how she researched the book, tackles Spam, Scams and Urban Legends and reveals how her famous hubby can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Q: Sue, you're an accomplished songwriter, philanthropist, founder of and co-founder of EAT’M (Emerging Artists in Talent and Music) the famous entertainment convention. Now you're an author. How did you come up with the idea of writing The World's Greatest Email?

SSC: My mother passed away from a stroke and when I received an email about how to tell the signs of a stroke, I figured, well, I better have a hard copy of this so that if I am in the middle of having one I will be able to find this life saver instead of having to search through several thousands of emails. Then I got an email called “The Physics of Hell” which I thought was so incredibly smart that I needed to have a hard copy of it as well. That’s when the idea of a book dawned on me.

Q: Tell me how conducted your research and how long it took you to compile this information?

SSC: It took me two years to cull the contents of this book from literally thousands of emails that I received over many years. I worked every single day until I had narrowed it down to the final emails that appear in The World’s Greatest Email.

Q: One of the refreshing qualities of The World's Greatest Email is that it's not always politically correct. Was that a conscious decision on your part, and if so, why?

SSC: We are very tongue in cheek in our family about politics. We get into it all the time. I had received so many political emails, and with the 2008 election looming, I thought it would be neat to have this section where fun could be made of both parties.

Q: How did you decide on the categories for the book?

SSC: I wanted The World’s Greatest Email to be a mixed bag, so I really deliberated on how to categorize the emails I used. They just seemed to naturally break down into areas like “Men, Women and Sex”, “Thought Provoking” “Smart People/Stupid People” and “Politically Incorrect”. The chapters kind of named themselves.

Q: Do you have a favorite email?

SSC: My favorite is still “The Physics of Hell”. I also think “Cheese Scones” is pretty funny and some of the more risqué ones like “F#@* Austria are a hoot.

Q: What do you like best about your book?

SSC: That I finished it! Actually, I love that it is a book filled with all kinds of information, even some inspirational emails. It makes you laugh and it makes you think and it teaches you things you never knew. The chapter called “Scams, Spam and Urban Legends” is particularly informative. You would not believe how many things are circulating on the Internet that could kill you if you followed the advice. I debunk these myths and I feel that I am doing people an important service by doing so.

Q: Okay, allow me one David Cassidy question... what's a goofy thing he does that he probably wouldn't want the world to know?

SSC: Actually, David has a hard time walking and chewing gum at the same time. If the phone rings and the doorbell goes at the same time, it is really funny to watch him go into minor shock!

Q: How can people order The World's Greatest Email?

SSC: The World’s Greatest Email is available at and at However, they can get autographed copies through my site,

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